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Do you ever wonder why some people are achievers, and others just sort of get by? Or why some leap forward, while others remain stuck? Let me let let you in on their little secret.
They have a plan.
The same holds true when it comes to wealth creation, too. Building your net worth doesn’t happen by accident. Instead, it takes having a specific plan for creating and growing your riches!
One of my great loves is adventure travel. It offers breathtaking views, tasting exotic foods, and interacting with foreign cultures. But, before I can have any of these experiences, I need to have a plan. One that includes where I want to go and what I want to do.
So, let’s ‘hit the road’ and journey through the process of building wealth!
Step 1: Financial Awareness
Before you go on an expedition, you first need to know the starting point. In travel, this would be your physical location and the items you can take with you.
On your wealth-building journey, start by taking inventory of your finances. Compile a list of your assets and liabilities. Assets are things of value (ie. checking account, 401k, etc). And liabilities are obligations you have to make payments on (ie. car loan, mortgage, credit cards, etc).
Also, identify the sources and amounts of your monthly income and expenses. Using this information, you can determine your monthly cash flow. Which is the measure of your monthly inflows and outflows of money.
To build wealth, your cash flow must be positive. Your monthly income must be greater than your expenses.
My favorite app for keeping all this information in one place is Personal Capital. The FREE software is super easy to use and allows you tall all your accounts together. It gives a clear snapshot of where you currently stand financially. And did I mention it’s FREE!
Step 2: Where and Why?
Continuing down the wealth creation road, it’s time to decide on the destination you want to reach. Sit back, close your eyes, and dream a little. Where do you want to go financially?
Think back to the story of Alice in Wonderland. As Alice comes to a fork in the road, she asks the Cheshire Cat which road she should take. The cat responds, “Where would you like to go?” To which Alice replies, “I don’t know.” “Well then, it doesn’t matter which road you take,” says the cat.
Knowing the destination is key to any trip. But, the ‘why’ is vital to it. Many people start working towards something, but their efforts wither away over time. Goals fade because people forget why they wanted to achieve them in the first place.
Some questions you should consider:
- Why do you want to make this change in your financial life?
- Why is it important to you?
- Why do you want to invest in your future?
- Why do you want to save more money?
- Why do you want to achieve this goal?
Every journey has its challenges. And you will be able to push through them when your ‘why’ is stronger than the reasons to quit!
Step 3: Goal Setting
You have determined the reasons you want to build wealth, now start focusing on the details. The SMART Goal Method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) allows you to dial in on the specifics. All these characteristics help build the roadmap to your destination.
Some questions to reflect on are:
- What do you want?
- How much or what amount?
- Is this realistic to achieve?
- How will this help you with your ‘why’?
- When will you achieve the goal?
Answering these questions will provide a clear picture of where you are heading. And how to know when you arrive. I recommend reviewing your goals at least weekly. (I am a little goal crazy and look at mine multiple times per day!) The more you look at them, the more they will be top of mind. And the more you think about them, the more likely you will be working towards them too.
Step 4: Controlling Debt
The biggest roadblock people face on their wealth creation journey is debt. The monthly payments on credit cards, mortgages, and vehicles take up the majority of people’s income. Not leaving much leftover for anything else. This leads to an endless cycle of working today for purchases that were made months or even years ago!