
Introduction to Personal Finance

Money can seem like such an intimidating subject when you first get started. You likely have a ton of questions and are thinking about all the what-ifs, buts, and having doubts. Not only that, but you’re likely experiencing overwhelm from all the information out there about managing your money, too.

My mission is to simply personal finance. I want to make establishing your spending plan, getting out of debt, saving, and investing easy and achievable for you!

Having said that, I created an 11 part video series as an Introduction to Personal Finance. Please go through each video and complete each of the exercises. By the end, you will have a great understanding of your financial situation and the steps you can take to make it even better!

Introduction to Personal Finance Video Series

Video 1 –  Course Overview

Video 2 – Income & Expenses

Video 3 – Assets, Liabilities & Net Worth

Video 4 –  Intro to Financial Freedom

Video 5 – SMART Financial Goals

Video 6 – Creating a Spending Plan

Video 7 –  Investing & Compounding

Video 8 – Tracking Your Finances

Video 9 – Achieving Your Goals Faster

Video 10 – Common Financial Pitfalls

Video 11 – Course Wrap Up

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