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10 Money Skills You Need To Be Successful

Do you ever just sit and admire buildings?

These enormous structures are sturdy, stand tall, and resist the elements.  All of which are made possible because they have a strong foundation.

The same holds true in personal finance. You need to learn key money skills that not only allow you to have a strong financial foundation but will stand the test of time, too!

There are 10 essential money skills you need to learn. Mastering each allows you to create wealth  easier, have a greater sense of financial wellbeing, and reach your financial goals faster!

If these fundamentals get overlooked, your journey will be more difficult. Failing to grasp these money skills can lead to cash flow problems, economic woes, and even lead to financial hardship!

Money Skill #1 – Planning Ahead

Everyone has hopes and dreams. Yet, not everyone is able to achieve theirs. 

Your aspirations won’t just happen. They require a plan which ensures they do!

SMART financial goals serve as a framework that supports you in getting the things you want. They help you form targets that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

This criteria sets you up for success. It provides important details that give direction to your end result. This blueprint outlines the action steps that you need to take to make your dreams a reality!

Setting goals and creating a plan doesn’t guarantee that they’ll come true. But, taking action will. Take small steps towards your desired result every day. Over time, you’ll progress and soon reach your goals! 

Money Skill #2 – Having The Right Money Mindset

Setting goals and planning for the future are important. They provide a framework for you to reach the result. But, before you can achieve, you must first believe!

Success is a choice and is dependent on your mindset. When you commit to your plan and believe that it’s possible, you begin the journey of making it come true.

Your mind is the most powerful organ in your body. It determines the way you interpret events and see the world around you.

The same thing can happen to two different people. One person may choose to see it as something bad or negative. While the other may choose to look for the silver lining or view it as an opportunity.  When you have a positive outlook, no matter the situation, it makes all the difference!

Having a positive and abundant money mindset helps you to push forward. It supports you in learning, growing, and advancing no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.

Successful people realize that obstacles are just opportunities in disguise. They know that these events exist to expand their knowledge and assist them on the journey to their dreams!

Money Skill #3 – Following A Monthly Budget

Most people that get into financial trouble don’t know where their money goes. They spend and run out of money before the end of each month.

A budget creates a plan for your money. It establishes how you’ll use your income to save and pay bills. 

Creating and following a budget helps you live below your means. It identifies areas where you overspend, which allows you to cut back. As your spending gets reduced, there will be more money to save and put towards your financial goals!

Money Skill #4 – Saving First

If you’re like most people, it’s easy to spend money. You buy, consume, and then hope there’s something left. But, for many there’s not.

Instead, use your budget to make your financial dreams a priority. Save the amount of money you need to reach your goals first. Then, spend what’s leftover.

For example, imagine you make $4,000 and need to save $500 per month to hit your target. Many people think they can magically stop wanting and consuming once they’ve spent $3,500. But, most find that they can’t.

By putting $500 aside first, your savings goal gets met immediately. Then, you’re free to spend however you like. This process runs even smoother when you automate your finances, so that you don’t even have to think about it!

Money Skill #5 – Controlling Spending

A Bankrate Survey found that 28% of Americans have more credit card debt than money in their emergency fund! 

Today, technology makes spending too easy. Most people have their credit card numbers saved on their favorite websites. They can browse, click, and buy in seconds at any time of day!

One of the most challenging money skills for people to master is controlling their spending. They buy, consume, and refuse to put limits on the amount they’re willing to spend.

But, putting these boundaries in place controls your expenses. It establishes the maximum amount that you’re comfortable and willing to spend in any given area. 

Setting limits and controlling your expenses instills discipline. It creates self control, which reduces the likelihood that you’ll get distracted. Both of which assist you in reaching your goals!

Money Skill #6 – Increasing Your Income

Revenue is the basis of every financial plan. It’s needed to save, pay bills, and make your dreams come true!

Most people have just one source of income. They spend their time working so that they can receive a paycheck.

For most people, the easiest way to raise your income is at your job. Figure out how you can convince your boss that you deserve a raise. If that doesn’t work, it could be time to switch employers. Some individuals get larger increases in pay when they go somewhere new. 

Or consider switching careers altogether. Find a job that pays based on your performance. Instead of one that just needs you to fill a seat.

The point of increasing your income is not to spend, consume, or have greater lifestyle creep. It’s to save, which allows you to have more money to put to work.

Money Skill #7 – Investing

Saving is the foundation of wealth creation. It provides the capital that you need to grow and reach your dreams!

Your investment criteria determines which assets will help you best reach your goals. They establish what makes a smart investment and the minimum return that you’ll accept.

As an investor, you want to earn a good return. So, you buy assets and find ways to grow your nest egg in a tax efficient manner. This leaves you with a larger principle balance which will compound into greater dollar amounts!

Investing is an emotional subject for many people. In most cases, they’ve worked hard for years to get to this point and are afraid of making mistakes.

But, sometimes they do. Many people fail to understand the differences between an asset and liability. This confusion handcuffs them to a job and delays their dreams for years to come!

Money Skill #8 – Building Credit

Your credit score shows your financial responsibility. It proves whether or not you’re a good risk which can impact your ability to get fast cash or a job!

Five factors influence your credit score. They are your payment history, credit utilization rate, length of credit history, credit mix, and the number of recent credit pulls.

The best way to build your credit is to pay your bills on time and in full. This shows that you’re responsible and trustworthy. It also stops the power of compounding from working against you.

Paying your bills off completely lowers your credit utilization rate, too. This metric shows the amount of credit that’s being used compared to the available amount. The lower it is the better your scores will be.

Contact your credit card providers to lower your credit utilization rate. Request that they increase your credit limit. Most can review your account and raise yours in just a few minutes. 

Your creditors report your account information to 3 credit bureaus. They use this data to calculate your scores. Each bureau allows you to check your score for FREE once per year by going to 

I tell my coaching students to review one report every four months. This allows them to watch their credit for free over the year. It also helps them catch and dispute reporting errors. Both of which will boost their scores!

Money Skill #9 – Becoming A Tightwad

Most people can’t imagine living on less. They view it as restrictive, painful, and reverting down the Hierarchy of Financial Needs

But, it’s not. Living like a tightwad is liberating. It frees you from the arms of consumption and keeping up with the Joneses.

Tightwads are free to spend money as they choose. Most set limits and prioritize their spending based on the areas that bring them the most joy. Then, they take steps to reduce and eliminate the ones that don’t. 

Spending less and living frugally helps you to better understand the relationship between time and money, too. It points out how much of your life that you spend working to acquire more stuff. Stuff that some people end up chasing their whole lives without ever realizing it won’t give them what they’re looking for.

Being a tightwad allows you to pursue things that are much more meaningful than stuff. It supports you in saving money and going after the things you want most, your goals!

Money Skill #10 – Tracking Your Progress

Most big goals will take years or decades to achieve. Giving you way too many opportunities to get distracted!

But, tracking your progress helps you remain focused. It allows you to see where you started and how far you’ve come. This proves that what you are doing is working, which gives you extra motivation to keep pushing forward.  

The best ways to watch your financial progress are using a personal financial statement or a money app. Over time, they’ll reveal the speed and direction that you are moving in.

Personal Capital is my favorite money management app. It links all your accounts together in one place. In less than a minute you can see your financial life and determine if you’re saving enough money to reach your goals.

These 10 money skills form the foundation of your financial future. Learning, developing, and improving upon each will allow you to reach your financial dreams faster!

Commit to growing and studying for a few minutes every day. Read blogs and books, listen to podcasts, and connect with others. After a few short weeks, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve learned and the amount that your money skills have improved.

Financial knowledge is power. But, this wisdom is only beneficial when you put it to use.

Which money skill do you need to improve? Comment below.


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