Do you think money will solve all your problems? Is it the root of all evil? Or do you try and avoid thinking about it at all costs?Everyone has their own money personality. It’s formed through your attitude, experiences, and habits with money. Often, these develop from the emotions that saving,
Why Your Money Mindset Is The Key To Success
What if the solution to your financial problems has nothing to do with money itself? And, instead is rooted in your money mindset and the way you think?The theory behind personal finance and growing a nest egg is easy. Most people realize they need to budget and live below their means to create
Why Your Financial Wellbeing Is So Important And How To Boost it
Would you skip a doctor’s appointment? Of course not! It’s important to know the status of your health. This information helps you make smarter decisions and form better habits. But, far too many people don’t check their financial health. They continue making the same choices, are stuck in
Why You Need To Determine What Is Enough Money
More is better. Growth is good. Whoever has the most wins.It’s human nature to want more. As Americans, it’s built into the fabric of our culture. Marketing efforts constantly instruct us to buy new products to solve whatever problem we think we might be facing. But, they don’t. So, we keep
Needs Vs Wants: How to Prioritize Your Money Better
Everyone is extraordinary and unique in their own ways. We all have diverse backgrounds that encompass a wide variety of knowledge, skills, and interests. Our differences lead us to have our own set of financial needs and wants.Over time, these needs vs wants change. The things you view as necessary
How To Save The World Through Conscious Consumption
Stop. Look around you. You probably see a desk, chair, and some electric cords. I know for sure you see some sort of electronic device!All these objects have one thing in common. They all come from the Earth and are made from its resources.Human consumption and buying habits are increasing at an
Where Are You On The Hierarchy of Financial Needs?
What motivates you? What’s the driving force behind your actions? What's your ‘why’?According to psychologist Abraham Maslow and his work, “A Theory of Human Motivation”, individuals are motivated by a hierarchy of needs. In this paper, Maslow describes that people are driven by their unmet
Your Time Vs Money Conundrum: Which Is More Important?
Unfortunatley, most adults spend the majority of their day at work. As a result, they don't have much time or energy for the the truly important things in life, like the things money can't buy! You may not realize it, but time and money are connected. The way you choose to spend your time and money