For most people, creating a budget isn’t all that difficult. In a short time, you can create a plan for the way you’re going to spend and save money. Despite the ease of making it, most people struggle with following it and staying on budget!When you don’t stay within budget, you overspend.
7 Easy Ways To Live Below Your Means and Reclaim Your Money and Life
In America, a staggering number of people live beyond their means. They spend more than they earn which puts them in debt and handcuffs them to a job for years to come!If you’re like most people in this situation, you have limited freedom. You’re overspending forces you to work and stress about
8 Simple Budget Categories That You Need to Build Wealth
When it comes to building wealth, one of the first steps you should take is creating a budget. Once it’s in place, you’ll have a blueprint for living below your means, saving, and creating a better financial future!Despite having a budget, many people still are unable to build independent wealth.
Why Fun Money is Essential to Achieving Your Goals and Being Happy
In today’s hustle culture, working long hours and continuously grinding it out has become the norm. Some people work nights, weekends, or cram side hustles into an already busy schedule so they can try and get ahead. But oftentimes, they get so caught up chasing the next big thing that they forget
9 Clear Signs You’re Living Beyond Your Means and Their Solutions
In today’s consumer-based society, living beyond your means is easier than ever before. With online shopping, instant delivery, and easy credit; retailers encourage you to buy in excess anytime you’d like!The people most likely to over spend are the ones who don’t budget. They haven’t realized the
See the Bigger Picture: 10 Important Things Money Can’t Buy
Traditionally, money gets viewed as a tool that can enhance your life. It can buy material possessions that make your life better, assets that help you build wealth, and even your financial freedom. But, there are some things that money can’t buy no matter how much of it you have!In today’s society,
Want To Budget Better? Include These 5 Different Types of Expenses
When it comes to having greater success with money, one of the first steps you can take is to build a better budget. In doing so, you’ll establish a plan that allows you to pay your bills on time while living below your means and working towards a wealthier financial future! To create an effective
10 Early Warning Signs That You Are Vulnerable to Financial Insecurity
In America, financial insecurity is a big problem and it can affect anyone, regardless of their income. According to one study, almost 40% of Americans making over $100k per year are living paycheck to paycheck! Hard to believe, right? Those who are financially insecure aren’t just struggling to get